Trunkey Dental - Bakersfield, CA


If your teeth look stained due to decay or dark fillings, the beautiful color of a natural smile may be restored using tooth-colored fillings. These fillings use composite resins, which cause your teeth to look natural and healthy. Composite fillings have several advantages over the traditional silver fillings or amalgam fillings.

  • Composite fillings are free of metal and mercury
  • Composite fillings match the color of your natural teeth
  • Composite fillings will feel more natural to you in your mouth
  • Composite fillings support the remaining tooth structure of your natural tooth

Traditional metal and amalgam fillings have some negative side effects. The mercury in traditional fillings can increase the possibility of fractures in your teeth because the metal becomes weakened as it expands and contracts with temperature changes. The mercury can also discolor your teeth if it begins leaking. Dr. Trunkey recommends replacing your metal fillings with composite fillings in order to avoid the side effects and to make your teeth look more natural.

Our goal at Trunkey Dental is to help you conserve the most natural look for your smile as possible. Composite fillings help us deal with minor cavities while preserving your natural tooth and making it look natural too. Call today to set up an appointment! Let us know if you have silver fillings that you would like replace with composite fillings for the healthiest teeth possible.

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